The Electoral Nominations Committee of Venezuela reported this Friday that 153 Venezuelans of all tendencies and different professions applied as aspiring rectors of the National Electoral Council (CNE).
The president of the Committee, deputy Giuseppe Alessandrello, announced the figure this Friday at a press conference offered after the closure this Thursday of the 10 day extension to the call for applicants to hold positions as rectors and substitutes of the National Electoral Council.
In this regard, he stressed that the number of applications represents a historical record by surpassing the 2021 of 73 candidates, which at the time set a precedent.
Given the number of participation, he pointed out as one of the readings the growing civic awareness of the Venezuelan people’s society, trust in its institutions and hope for a better future: “The country, the people, society says no to the use of anti-political tools that were used in the past,” he said.
7,253 Illegal Miners Evicted in Amazonas State
Venezuelan authorities have evicted during July 7,253 illegal miners from the Yapacana National Park, in the southern state of Amazonas, according to the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Domingo Hernández Lárez.
“Since 01 July 2023 to date, the number of 7,253 environmental predators subjects have been evicted, due to their arbitrary presence in a State security zone,” Hernández Lárez said via Twitter account.
“Respecting nature and its conservation is the duty of all citizens,” the military chief said in the context of the intensification of operations against illegal mining in the Venezuelan Amazon region.
On Wednesday night, Hernández Lárez also announced the destruction of more than 60 palafitos, which are overwater dwellings improvised by illegal miners, in the Yapacana National Park.
“A total of 7,253 illegal miners have been evicted from the Venezuelan Amazon so far in July, in the midst of several military operations, informed on Thursday the strategic operational commander of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez.”
Venezuela Denounces Illegal Auction of CITGO
On Wednesday, the Venezuelan National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez denounced that the United States government continues to promote the auction of the Venezuelan state company CITGO Petroleum, a subsidiary of the state oil company PDVSA.
This illegal auction seeks to sell CITGO to a U.S.-Israel firm whose main manager has ties to former congressman Juan Guaido.
During a parliamentary session, Rodriguez specified that it is the company Delek Holdings, of which Carlos Jordá is its CEO and assured that there is evidence that the sale of CITGO responds to a plan hatched by Guaido and former US President Donald Trump.
The Venezuelan legislator affirmed that the auction constitutes a farce through which Guaido and his allies seek to appropriate over US$15 billion in assets under the excuse of paying a debt of US1.4 billion to the Cristalex company.
“In all the courts to which Venezuela has had access, the alleged debt with Cristalex has been denounced, which does not even belong to Cristalex because the alleged debt was bought by some vulture funds,” Rodriguez said, adding that the actually existing debt is equivalent to less than US$2 million, which was even the subject of an amicable settlement with Cristalex.
President Maduro met with the secretary general of gas exporting countries
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, received this Thursday the Secretary General of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries (FPEG), Mohamed Hamel, in Caracas.
The dialogue had the participation of the People’s Power Minister for Petroleum, Pedro Rafael Tellechea, and the People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Yván Gil.
Earlier, Mohamed Hamel, as well as delegates from the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries, and Andrés Rebolledo, representative of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) held a meeting with the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.
In recent years, the FPEG has become a more integrated discussion platform with the consolidation of its internal structure, to develop the global gas supply and demand model in cooperation with international energy organizations.
The Forum of Gas Exporting Countries is made up of Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. While Azerbaijan, Iraq, Norway, Kazakhstan, Oman, Peru and Angola have the status of Observer Members.