The Unity Labour Party, the German Nazi Party, the Cubans, Venezuelans and the Cyber Crime Bill
The Cyber Crime Act is designed to stop citizens from writing and also to stop them reading the truth about their leaders. The German Nazi Party put a similar Act in place but of course at that time there was no internet, had there have been you can be sure it would have been controlled with a similar Act to the Cyber Crime Act.
The Malicious Practices Act (Verordnung zur Abwehr heimtückischer Diskreditierung der nationalen Regierung) was passed on 21 March 1933 in Nazi Germany. It was part of a series of events that occurred within 1933, which marked the brutality and resilience of the Nazi party. From here on life for thousands of Germans would be controlled and monitored for those dubbed as ‘social outcasts’. Not only were many killed; others were forced into Nazi concentration camps in order to allow the German economy to flourish and eradicate opposition to the Nazi Party. The Act in particular portrayed some of the Nazis’ key political and philosophical policies.
Maurice Bishop the Marxist-Leninist Grenadian under the orders of his masters the Cubans used such methods to control the media and what the people were allowed to read.
So understanding what is to be introduced by the Gonsalves government in the Cyber Crime Bill it is obviously to stop those writing the truth and others from reading it. It is an attempt to gag the truth from being aired anywhere except from the government propaganda machine. Recognize the similarity to the Nazi ‘Malicious Practices Act’?
The Nazi ‘Malicious Practices Act’ was a measure introduced to supposedly rid the German state of its ‘oppressors’ and ‘enemies’. Most of those caught by the Act were not enemies of the people they were enemies of a dirty worthless ruthless Nazi regime. In particular, the Nazi state imposed new legislation that made it illegal to speak wrongly of, or criticize the regime and its leaders. Recognize the similarity to the Cyber Crime Bill?
The Nazi state machinery made it apparent that besides protecting the leaders from criticism it progressed from there to those who failed to comply with Nazi ideology and politics could be arrested for the ‘protection of the state’. In particular this was in an attempt to eliminate other political parties from German politics and eradicate their presence permanently. Hitler was a man who was worshipped by the people through mass brain washing. Recognize the similarity of the Cyber Crime Bill?
Could the Cyber Crime Bill progress just like the German Act do to capture those who fail to comply with ULP government ideology and politics, could people be arrested for the ‘protection of the state’? When you have government that makes laws to suit themselves and not for the public, who put retroactive clauses into Acts to protect themselves from prosecution for past misdeeds, which is exactly what the Gonsalves government have done, anything is possible.
Ralph Gonsalves has already stated his position when he announced he is here to finish the work of Maurice Bishop, that should have sent alarm bells ringing even in the ears of his own MP’s and the ULP party followers. Unfortunately the ULP specialize in brainwashing the ignorant among us, they also specialize in capturing the minds of the Police, the Judiciary and next to stupid greedy business men and women by the way of scraps from the table promises of promotion and special health care in Cuba for the selected elite. Even the hog greedy in the Diaspora have been fooled by the introduction of an international airport and the promise of direct flights from and to every back yard in the US and the UK. It seems to me you do not have to live in SVG to be stupid, Vincentians in the Diaspora have also retained a certain degree of stupidity to be fooled so easily. They with their greed in mind support this ULP government with all their nasty Bills they bring to parliament to protect those within government who have committed some act of nastiness in the past.
After being appointed Chancellor on 30 January 1933, Hitler still faced huge problems. The Nazi party at this time only held a third of all seats in the Reichstag, thus lacking an overall elected majority. As such the Nazis looked at ways to gain support and elections were called for 5 March 1933. Hermann Göring became one of Hitler’s key allies during the period. He was appointed Minister of Interior and sought ways to improve Nazi support. Recognize any similarities to the ULP and the family dynasty members? His initial success through bargaining came in the form of donated support from industrialists, who supported the Nazis by providing them with 3million Reichmarks. Recognize any similarities to the ULP and the family dynasty members? Göring was ruthless in his attack on the German state police. He quickly began sacking senior police officers in order to replace them with key Nazi supporters. Recognize any similarities to the ULP and the family dynasty members? Alongside this, he infiltrated the police force by recruiting 50,000 members of the SA to work as Auxiliary Police, (later to be known as The Gestapo). Their uniformed presence alone gained the support of ordinary Germans who sought change. Nevertheless their existence brought fear and intimidation amongst the others. Recognize any similarities to the ULP and the family dynasty members?
Of course there were other Acts that sought to keep repressors in power. Such as Acts against those that were accused of Inciting subversion of state power (Chinese: 煽动颠覆国家政权罪; pinyin: Shāndòng diānfù guójiā zhèngquán zuì) which is a crime under the law of the People’s Republic of China. It is article 105, paragraph 2 of the 1997 revision of the People’s Republic of China’s Penal Code. Ref: Volume 1 of Chinese law series, Laws, etc. This has allowed them to use the ultimate in cyber control. It has frequently been the charge given against human rights campaigners within China when they are sentenced to imprisonment. A report by the Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) website lists 34 people convicted under this law, many of them for having posted articles on the internet that were critical of the government.
Ref: A report of Chinese Human Rights Defenders. January 8, 2008
Finally, the passing of the Nazi Enabling Law would have been fairly impossible without the Malicious Practices Act. As with the Cyber Crime Act there were serious consequences for the people. As such the Nazi Act’s from thereon were passed with ease and consequently this gave Hitler complete dictatorial powers, hence beginning the radicalization and implementation of total Nazi rule. Is this what the Cyber Crime Bill will bring to us? I actually believe it will, I believe it will bring a tyranny of a degree that we never expected, except by me that is.
Cuba is currently SVG’s closest Marxist ally according to our regime leaders. In Cuba books, newspapers, radio channels, television channels, movies and music are heavily censored. Clandestine printing is also highly restricted. The special permits that are required to use the Internet are only available to selected Cubans and use of the Internet is limited for the vast majority of Cubans. Mobile phones are quite rare, with most citizens not having been allowed to use them until quite recently. Foreign journalists who can work in the country are selected by the government. But as a Cuban if you get caught criticizing the state or the Castro brothers, those dictators, you will be locked up for a long time, or will bent to an asylum forever.
Media is operated under the supervision of the Communist Party’s Department of Revolutionary Orientation, which “develops and coordinates propaganda strategies”.
Venezuela is our other top Marxist ally. According to Spanish newspaper El País, National Telecommunications Commission of Venezuela (Conatel) verified that ISPs do not allow their subscribers to access content which is “an aggression to the Venezuelan people” and “causes unstabilization”, in their criteria. El País also warns that Conatel could force ISPs to block web sites in opposition to the government’s interests. It was also reported by El País that there will be possible automations of DirecTV, CANTV, Movistar and possible regulation of YouTube and Twitter. During the 2014 Venezuelan protests, it was reported that Internet access was unavailable in San Cristóbal, Táchira for up to about half a million citizens. Multiple sources claimed that the Venezuelan government blocked Internet access. Internet access was reported to be available again one day and a half later.
during the 2014 Venezuelan protests, images on Twitter were reported to be unavailable for at least some users in Venezuela for 3 days (12–15 February), with claims that the Venezuelan government blocked them, indicating that it appeared to be an attempt to limit images of protests against shortages and the world’s highest inflation rate. Twitter spokesman Nu Wexler stated that, “I can confirm that Twitter images are now blocked in Venezuela” adding that “we believe it’s the government that is blocking”. Twitter users were arrested and faced prosecution due to the tweets they made. Alfredo Romero, executive director of the Venezuelan Penal Forum (FPV), stated that the arrests of Twitter users in Venezuela was a measure to instill fear among those using social media that were critical against the government. In October 2014, eight Venezuelans were arrested shortly after the death of PSUV official Robert Serra. Though the eight Venezuelans were arrest in October 2014, the Venezuelan government had been monitoring them since June 2014 in leaked documents with the state telecommunications agency, Conatel, providing IP addresses and other details to the Venezuelan intelligence agency SEBIN in order to arrest Twitter users. In Venezuela call the president a dick head on the internet and your feet will not touch the floor on your way to prison.
Before I sign off just a reminder of what Maurice Bishops work entailed in Grenada, a little closer to home and well known about because there are such wonderful public records available of all the happenings. Bishop introduced laws enabling him to imprison all the islands Rasta’s. He shut down the radio station and the Cubans built a new system whereby they could broadcast propaganda to the whole Caribbean. The newspapers were shut down and then only allowed to operate under license whereby all editorial had to be state approved. Even the Church magazines had to submit copy for approval. There was an attempt on the instructions of the Cubans to politicize the Church’s. Even sermons had to have prior approval. That was just some of the work of Maurice Bishop and we must keep in mind Ralph E Gonsalves stated “I Ralph Gonsalves remains to do the work of Maurice Bishop”.
So does any of that frighten the readers? I hope so. They should we be frightened by the introduction of the Cyber Crime Bill? I sincerely hope so. Why? Because such a Bill does nothing for the people, the citizens of SVG. It is only of help to members of government who want to gag writers and readers alike from writing and talking about perceived wrongs by those in the position of leadership. The next censorship will follow on with gagging of the press, who are already gagged to a certain extent by fear of being sued or publicly lambasted.
Those of you who feel no fright about this situation regarding the Cyber Crime Bill then you are a little more stupid than those Germans who believed Goring and Hitler when they introduced a Cyber Crime Bill before there was any cyber.
I welcome both positive and negative comments to what I wrote above.
[Some of the content of this opinion was extracted from several different Wikipedia locations]
Peter Binose, blowing the bugle again