A Commonwealth is a nation, state and or other political units, founded on law and united by compactor tacit agreement by the people for the common good.
The creation of an all-encompassing Commonwealth of Caribbean Nations based upon their regional and Island Culture, as a cornerstone, to complete Caribbean Unity.
Assertion: So long as individual Caribbean Island Nations must compete against each other, and with much larger and more powerful international competing nations these separate nations of the Caribbean will not reach their full political-economic potential. Only by uniting the Caribbean into one socio-politically economic powerhouse will this commonwealth and its member nations achieve the respect and competitive fear of their opponents within international markets.
Presently there are many Caribbean centred international organizations such as Commonwealth Caribbean where nation-states work together to promote their goals individually within the organization.
I assert that a fully united Caribbean can and will fulfil the aspirations and needs of each of its member states while assuring this group has the united might in political-economic leverage. A united Caribbean will be stronger in many ways…
-Greater Purchasing Power as a group, with a larger united population..
-Political power and influence through a united front to all friends and competitors.
-Greater influence on the international stage.
-Unity of purpose, national outlook and aspirations.
-United financial clout.
-Pooling a collective financial revenue to be applied to each member in the same fashion no matter the size of population or island mass.
-Uniting each members ambassadorial, consulate and foreign affairs ministries into one unit.
-A united commonwealth will assure the ability to quickly and profoundly respond to natural, climatic crisis through the establishment of an internal emergency ministry that job is to save lives, repair and rebuild that which has been damaged quickly.
Each member must work towards a democratic outlook and practice. A complete democratization of the Caribbean will be required and demanded. Democracy is the natural human state of most Caribbean Nations and must become the basis of this commonwealth. Whether a small or large Island Nation, within such a commonwealth all must be seen as equals, receiving similar advantages and benefits.
The wealth of each member nation is considered part of the greater entity. The petroleum, Mining and natural resources sector would be used to the benefit of all member states, much like a health care insurance agreement. Some Islands will need more care and investment than others, but these investments can create the greater good for all. The International Bank and Foreign Banking Concern’s will prefer to do business with a United Conglomerate, a Commonwealth of Island Nations than separate nations who do not have the ability to borrow.
Imagine a group of island nations within a greater commonwealth of nations. A Government with a President from say, St. Vincent, a Deputy Prime Minister from Barbados and Ministers form islands as diverse and different as Trinidad, Martinique, St.Lucia, or Bermuda. This Commonwealth would move towards gaining new members from other island nations such as those controlled by formers colonial powers such as America, France, Britain and E.U. Independence for all members within a greater commonwealth, so yes St.Thomas(Virgin Islands), Puerto Rico and even St. Pierre and Miquelon( beside Newfoundland). This Commonwealth would welcome their brothers and sisters from island nations through out the America’s.
The Caribbean must be courageously ambitious, creatively aspiring to what is truly within its grasp. The Caribbean, with their Island lifestyle/culture, demand better for their people. Only through unity can The Caribbean become, otherwise it will remain as it has been, a political and economic possession or other powers.