Dear Editor
This year started with the slaying of one of our young men, 25-year-old Micheal Thomas of Richland Park.
News reports said he was stabbed in his heart with a broken bottle and died on the spot.
That was murder number one, on 1 January 2022. It did not stop. The bloodletting continued.
On 21 January, the media reported that Joshua Pompey, a 40-year-old of Obrien’s Valley, Georgetown, was killed with a single bullet.
Before we could catch a break, on 29 January, news came that Kevin George, a 27-year-old man of Diamond, was stabbed to death.
As we gasped for air and tried to make sense of it all, our minds were put to work when news broke of the senseless killing of 23-year-old Renaldo Hamilton of Stubbs.
On Saturday, 5 February, he was shot in the high afternoon sun just minutes from where his mother works.
Being strangled and fighting for air, the nation woke up to horrific news that a young man Cjea Weekes whose mother alleged that he was run over by a police transport on 2 February, died.
The 18-year-old, according to media reports, was paralyzed from the chest down.
In disbelief, I ask myself the question: Who Is Sacrificing Our Sons?
The bible says who have eyes to see, let them see, and who have ears to hear, let them hear.
Editor, something is inherently wrong in this country. One would have thought that after suffering an eruption and hurricane things would have changed, but it appears that evil spirits have doubled down.
Last week I heard a government official saying the land needs a cleansing, can carnival, a pagan festival cleanse a land? Need I say more.
That’s all for now. Nexeon Lewis