Known for the slogan “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy,” Klaus Schwab is the Founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF). He better fits the description of the creator of a vast utopian society – for the wealthy elites. The remaining humans serve the elites similar to the days of peasants and royalty. Well, Prince Charles, heir to the UK throne, is a WEF member.
Why would for-profit corporations, nonprofit foundations, governments, financial institutions, media companies, educational systems, food companies, other organizations, and individuals want to be a part of a future global communist/Marist/fascist regime such as the WEF? Do they agree with global domination and a totalitarian government? A one world banking system? A one world healthcare system? A one world food system based on eating plants and bugs to save the planet? And a Bill Gates’s depopulation plan? Conserve the resources for the wealthy ruling class – that’s their plan.
Have these educated professionals been duped into believing a utopian world is feasible? A massive society where nobody owns anything? Or do they believe Klaus will allow them to have a slice of the power pie? And he may as long as they obey. Unlike Robinhood, Schwab steals from the poor to give more to the rich.
And who will be the head of the New World Order? Unelected leaders. Who decides who will be the unelected leader(s) if the citizens can no longer vote in democratic selections or elections? No more worries about getting people to the polls or stolen elections.
Watch the documentary “Monopoly, Who Owns the World?” by Tim Gielen and you’ll find out. Notice what and how much the shareholders of Vanguard and Blackrock own – it’s mind boggling.
Who are some of the WEF members and companies? See the long list of members at
The following are but a few of the listed members:
Brian Moynihan, Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America is the Chair of the International Business Committee, World Economic Forum.
London Stock Exchange Group, Swiss Bank of Geneva, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Canada, Fidelity International, Development Bank of Southern Africa, European Central Bank, Citi, Bank of Palestine, PayPal, Nasdaq, Blackrock, Visa
United Nations, UN Population Fund, UN World Food Programme, United Nations Global Impact, World Health Organization (WHO)
United States Office of the Governor, US Department of Health and Human Services, Mayors Office – City of New York, YMCA of USA
Forbes, World’s Association of Newspapers (WAN – IFRA). “We’re the global organisation of the world’s press.”
Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, ROHTO Pharmaceutical
Bill Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation
Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Mozilla
Sanford University, Harvard University
Utopia is a design and urban innovation firm reimagining the future of slums and their cities. Utopia is converting slums into next generation microcities.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT).
NewGlobe (best known for its Bridge community school programmes) supports visionary governments to transform public education systems, the cornerstone of a prosperous, equitable and peaceful society. As the new parent brand starting in February 2021, NewGlobe will enable it to more effectively represent – and support – the full breadth of work, while accurately contextualizing Bridge community school programmes within the broader portfolio.
37 Interactive Entertainment is an entertainment company in China’s mobile gaming market. 37 owns multiple game publishing platforms, such as 37Games (China), 37Mobile, 37GAMES (Overseas), and possesses several elite game studios, including Aurora Studio and Crater Lake Studio. It has branches and offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Anhui, Jiangsu, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Europe and North America.
Citizens, at no other time in the history of humanity has a group of wealthy and powerful people schemed to rule the entire civilization of humans without a war machine of weapons and soldiers.
Instead, their weapons are a coronavirus manufactured in a lab and an experimental vaccine that injuries and kills, along with fear and psychological warfare. They promise global equality and a chicken in every pot – but the price is giving up civil liberties – no freedom of speech and no choice. The merging of all cultures into one; the nonidentity of a cog in the communist wheel.
Read “The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19,” a 2022 book by Robert Kennedy Jr. “While Dr. Fauci zealously pursued gain-of-function research, concern grew among some scientists and government officials about the potential for accidental or deliberate release of weaponized viruses from labs that might trigger worldwide pandemics. A moratorium was placed on this research, but true to form, Dr. Fauci found ways to continue unperturbed—outsourcing some of his most controversial experiments offshore to China and providing federal funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV’s) leading researchers for gain-of-function studies in partnership with the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party.”
Read, “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human,” a 2022 book by Dr. Naomi Wolf, MD. “Their target is humanity itself. Their end goal is to ensure that our pre-March 2020 world is gone forever. Irretrievable. To be replaced with a world in which all human endeavor-all human joy, all human fellowship, all human advancement, all human culture, all human song, all human drama, all worship, all surprise, all flirtation, all celebration-is behind a digital paywall. A world in which we will all have to ask technology’s permission to be human.”
Read, “Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming,” a 2022 book by Dr. Robert Malone, MD. “With contributions from eminent doctors, scientists, and experts in their fields, Lies My Gov’t Told Me offers a comprehensive look at the coronavirus pandemic–where we are today, how we got here, and what’s on the horizon. Challenging the mainstream government-pharma-media narrative, the chapters in this book will not only outrage readers but will also inform and give readers hope.”
Look to the recent violent and human rights violations in Canada, Australia, and Austria over the COVID-19 vaccine (aka the jab stab, the clot shot, the wicked needle stick, the vial of poison) noncompliance. It was nothing more than a Beta Test to gauge how humans would respond.
And mainstream media convenes in the back pockets of the global tyrants – accusing peaceful protestors of violence – brave citizens that love liberty and freedom. Prayers for these courageous civilians.
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”― C. S. Lewis