During World Sea Turtle Day 2022, the National Environmental Days Commemoration Committee (NEDCC) in collaboration with the Sea Turtle and Associated Livelihood Project (STALP) conducted a Sea Turtle Awareness Drive in three communities along the northeast coast of St Vincent.
The turtle awareness drive was held in Colonaire, Gorse, and Byrea on June 16th, 2022.
Residents of the aforementioned communities received forty garbage bins, Sea Turtle Associated Livelihood brochures and posters.
In SVG, the purpose of the exercise was to raise awareness of sea turtle conservation and reduce litter.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Environmental Fund (SVGEF) is funding the project.
In January 2017, St Vincent announced a total ban on the killing of sea turtles.
The decision to impose a total ban on all sea turtles came in late 2016 in response to the increased global threat to sea turtles and to their status as vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered.
The Ministry of Fisheries’ initiative to protect all sea turtles comes under the theme “No Extinction In My Generation.”