Having recently provided school uniforms and supplies for five (5) underprivileged students, the Belair Government School Parents Teachers Association (PTA) is at it again and this time the top three (3) Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) performers were rewarded.
The rewards were in the form of donations, allowing the PTA to purchase full uniforms and school supplies for the students.
The recipients, two (2) girls and one (1) boy would be attending Girl’s High School and Grammar School respectively.
Mr Joseph Bascombe, president of the PTA, applauded the efforts of these students and congratulated them on a job well done.
“My ultimate aim is to gain full scholarships for these students. However, so far no one has responded to the call. I am, however, grateful for the assistance that these students have received thus far and I remain hopeful that someone would see the need to invest further in these students”.
These students received their rewards on Friday 29th July, 2022.