On August 17th,2022, the Extension and Advisory Services Division, through its technical staff in Agricultural Region Two (2), provided technical support and assistance with the transplanting of vegetable seedlings on the vegetable demonstration plot established on the farm holding of Ms Ruthlyn Robinson of Evesham, in Agricultural District 5 West.
The activity was coordinated by Agricultural Officer Mr Donawa Jackson, Regional Supervisor, and Shamika Grant, District Extension Officer, together with technical Aides and other support staff of the ministry. Also, participating was Mrs Laura Anthony- Browne, Coordinator of the Resilient School Feeding Programme for FAO. Additionally, IICA the project implementation agency technical specialist, Mr Michael Dalton was also present and participated in the activities.
The transplanting exercise followed several weeks of preparation during which time seedlings were produced at the Dumbarton Agricultural Station and the land was prepared by the soil conservation team of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The demonstration plot was established as a teaching tool to train farmers in the application of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and compliments classroom training provided under a wider programme for the development of farmers. A total of twenty-two (22) selected fruit and vegetable farmers are expected to benefit from this capacity-building initiative and will be in a better position to cultivate and supply safe and high-quality food for local consumption. This programme will be collaboratively implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation, Industry and Labour (MAFFRTIL), The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and IICA.
This activity falls under the Resilient School Feeding Programme which is a sub-project of the Mexico-CARICOM FAO initiative (cooperation for climate change adaptation and resilience in the Caribbean). This programme is funded by the Government of Mexico.