Over the next three years, the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will increase the salaries of public servants.
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves revealed this on Wednesday 7 September during the Face to Face program on state radio.
“The government will deliver a salary increase for the public servants and we want to do so for 2023, 2024 and 2025, but we have to do this thing reasonably. In Britain, the public servants have not had an increase for close to ten years and you see what is happening also in the United States of America with real wages”.
St Vincent and the Grenadines Public Service Union and the SVG Teachers Union met with the Minister of Finance Camilo Gonsalves on Tuesday 6th September 2022, where they discussed several proposals submitted to the Government. Chief Among them was a 10 percent salary increase for public servants.
Gonsalves on Wednesday said that public servants are already receiving phenomenal benefits.
“They get a state pension to which they do not contribute one cent. They get two pensions, they get the contributory one from which the government puts in its share and one entirely paid for by the taxpayer”.
Gonsalves said in eight years’ time or by 2030, the NIS pension and the state pension when you add them together will among to more than Public Servants’ last salary. In fact, Gonsalves said it will rise to at least 120% of their last salary.