Nurses and midwives in SVG to be paid a special allowance.
Nurses and midwives Working throughout St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) health system will be paid a special allowance. The government will also be organising transportation for health workers doing the late shift.
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves made the announcement during his independence speech on Thursday morning.
“On Wednesday, the cabinet told the Ministry of Finance again to work with nurses and midwives to come up with a plan for a special allowance that will start on January 1, 2023”.
“Similarly, suitable arrangements for the transplantation of nurses are being worked on both with urgency and, by the middle of this November, I want to have a meeting with nurses and other people in the Ministry of Health because they want to be sure that something more is done for the people who are working in the health sector”.
Gonsalves said the nurses have served the nation very well during COVID and after, and the state must be grateful beyond what all other public servants are making.