With a triple-threat virus sweeping across the country, pharmaceutical companies have launched their own clinical trials on COVID vaccines in young adults and the possible impact of heart conditions.
The senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Dr. Jeffrey Singer, joined The National Desk Friday to talk more about this. Both Pfizer and Moderna are conducting clinical trials to determine if their COVID-19 vaccines could be contributing to possible cardiac issues.
“Well, we’ve known for about a year that in young people, mostly males, but in females as well, we seem to have vaccine-induced myocarditis. That’s an inflammation of the heart muscle only associated so far with the mRNA vaccines. For quite some time now, we’ve known since the summer of 2020 that almost all of the serious illnesses and deaths occur in people who are over the age of 50 and usually have other comorbidities,” Singer explained. “So there have been several experts who have been saying, ‘What’s the rush in trying to get the young people, who are at least risk for getting vaccinated, through an emergency use authorization? Why don’t we spend some more time studying it?’ But nevertheless, that’s happened.”
Singer said since there have been some cases, the manufacturers themselves, Pfizer and Moderna, are going to research if myocarditis is a significant side effect in vaccinated young people.