“Touch is back,” said band member Julius (Jules) Williams, speaking about the band’s future during the Touch, ft. Knetik Monday T-Shirt Band launch on Thursday.
Williams stated that they will tour North America and Europe following Vincy Mas.
“We’re looking forward to New York; it’ll be Labor Day.” We have a location reserved for our next major event. We’d also be performing in Toronto in October, and we’re currently planning a European and British trip. Those would be linked together. “So we do England, and then we go across,” Williams explained.
Williams had this to say about the band competing for the road march:
“We are known for competing on the road and hardly ever losing.” However, I am not going to tell you whether or not we will be competing at this time. But I can assure you that if we choose to compete, we will not play to lose. So we’ll leave that one alone for the time being.”
Williams stated that the band will perform at Carnival Escape and plans to stay for a while in order to preserve a certain art form.
From ‘Puss Man’ to ‘Butt’-Touch Band Returns For Vincy Mas 2023