St. Vincent and the Grenadines Teachers Cooperative Credit Union (SVGTCCU) is the first credit union on the island to operate an online bookstore.
Parents can now contact the SVGTCCU online, order supplies, and have them delivered.
The new provision, according to Gilbert Frederick, Board Member and Treasurer, is a “bold step into the future.”
“It’s the first of its kind on these islands.” Technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate with one another. This new platform will provide unlimited opportunities for consumers and the Bookstore. The service is not only practical, but it is also beneficial.”
Frederick is encouraging users to embrace the new platform in order to develop a dynamic literary community that transcends physical limits and fosters a love of reading and learning.
Ezekiel Richards, the bookstore’s manager, sees the online service as an extension of services and believes it is a step in the right way.