The process of adding three extra water circulation gaps or breaches to the marina pier structure was started on Monday, July 31st, by the contractor Dan Co. LTD. and his team.
In order to improve turbidity and water quality, this technique involves removing fill material and allowing new, oxygenated water to circulate in the area.
To increase bird habitat and provide a favorable environment for red and black mangroves to organically recruit and recover, the fill material will be repurposed and placed close to areas that have been breached.
In addition, Ashton Lagoon’s coral restoration project will be expanded, red mangroves will be planted in their place to stop the death of black mangroves, honey production will be increased, and ecological farming will be implemented in collaboration with local communities.
The project “Scaling up Restoration at Ashton Lagoon using a Ridge to Reef Approach for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods on Union” is being funded by the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) and the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility (EbA).