The Argyle International Airport, through the Procurement Board of the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is inviting suitably qualified companies to submit proposals to develop the Argyle International Airport (AIA) Master Plan study.
A proposal deposit of XCD 270.00 (US 100.00) is payable to the AIA prior to the collection of the RFP.
Interested companies can email [email protected] or call 784-456-5555 for further information.
What is an airport master plan by the St. Vincent Times?
According to CVG, an airport master plan provides a road map for efficiently meeting aviation demand through the foreseeable future while preserving the flexibility necessary to respond to changing industry conditions.
The general goals and objectives addressed by an airport master plan include the following:
to provide a framework for long-range planning (20 to 30 years).
To graphically present preferred airport development concepts
To define the purpose and need for development projects
To comply with all applicable FAA requirements
To enable the airport to achieve its mission
To assure compatible land-use development
To support the financial health of one of a region’s most powerful economic engines
To identify facility requirements for all airport users
The definition of a successful master plan includes the following characteristics:
Financially feasible, environmentally compatible, balanced, technically sound, responsive, and flexible