- Cleaning of Fish banned on Buccament Bay
Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves has announced that the government of St Vincent (SVG) will prohibit the act of cleaning fish in Buccament Bay.
Sandals’ next resort will be located at Buccament Bay and is scheduled to open on March 27th.
Gonsalves discussed the ban on the Star Radio show ‘Morning Scoop’.
“We are banning the practice of cleaning fish on the beach.” The fishermen emphasise that they are not the individuals responsible for performing the cleaning. Customers that visit and purchase fish at the location often neglect to properly dispose of the fish guts , they just leave them there. “That is incorrect,” Gonsalves remarked.
Gonsalves convened a meeting last week with fishing boat owners, fisherfolk, vendors, and small business owners in Buccament Bay to address pertinent matters that could impact their business operations.