Since internal self-governance in October 1969, fifty-five years ago, LABOUR (the SVG Labour Party and its successor, the Unity Labour Party) has governed SVG for nearly thirty-eight of those 55 years or over 67 percent of that period. Labour led SVG into internal self-government in 1969 under the Premiership of Robert Milton Cato of blessed memory.
Under Milton Cato too, Labour reclaimed its independence from Britain in October 1979. Of the 45 years since independence, Labour has led SVG for some 28 years or 62 percent of the post-independence years: Cato was Prime Minister from October 1979 to July 1984; and Comrade Ralph of the ULP has been Prime Minister, thus far, from March 2001 to the present time — nearly 24 years or more than one-half of the post-independence period.
Between the Cato years and the dawning period of the 21st century under Comrade Ralph’s leadership, were two Prime Ministers from the New Democratic Party (NDP): Sir James Mitchell (July 1984 to October 2000); and Arnhim Eustace (October 27, 2000 to March 28, 2001 — five months).
The historic data since 1969 show clearly that Labour has been the natural party of governance in SVG. Comrade Ralph has been the longest serving Prime Minister, having led the ULP to five successive election victories (2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020). Undoubtedly, Labour has transformed SVG for the better. It secured internal self-government; it reclaimed our nation’s independence; it established, maintained, and reformed, a modern, independent, democratic, and free nation-state with high quality governance; it ensured a mighty uplift in the quality of our people’s lives and living, grounded centrally on a bundle of sound economic pillars, despite all the on-rushing challenges and limitations of our small-island condition; and since 2001, it has effected, for the better, a paradigm, shift in the macro-economy.
Labour, established and built through the splendid efforts of the working people and the nation as a whole, under wise and visionary leadership, has served SVG exceedingly well thus far. It has been fulfilling its historic mission to be responsible and responsive always to the people who have entrusted its leaders with high governmental offices.
Before the end of 2025, general elections will be held in SVG. Labour, under Comrade Ralph’s leadership, is the odds-on favorite to win again, for a sixth consecutive term. In SVG today there is no mood for a change of government; and Labour is stronger than ever. The feel-good mood and Labour’s strength are a powerful combination. Despite complaints or dissonances, here and there in the body politic, the people overwhelmingly accept that the country is on the right track. And there is no feasible alternative: The opposition NDP is simply not ready for governance; indeed, the NDP is not fit-for-purpose.
Still, Labour cannot take things for granted; it cannot be complacent. Labour knows how to govern optimally; Labour knows how to mobilise and organise like no other mass party in our history. And Labour knows how to win elections, free and fair. Come election day Labour will have its house in order in every material particular.
In the ULP’s Election Manifesto of November 2020, we stated thus:
“Our ULP government has been able to achieve mighty things for our people’s benefit despite the awesome external challenges and the extant limitations of our small island economy, enwrapped in the historical legacies of underdevelopment consequent upon native genocide, the enslavement of Africans, the indentureship of Madeirans and Indians, colonialism and imperialism, racism and misogyny. We have made extraordinary strides in our socio-economic transformation and development over the past two decades because our people responded magnificently to our Party’s people-centred vision and philosophy, our ongoing communion with the people, our creative policies and programmes for sustainable development, the high quality of our team collectively, our organizational structures, our good governance, our development partnerships with our friends and allies overseas, and our sterling leadership, under the suzerainty of God.”
In the same 2020 Election Manifesto, the ULP averred that:
“None of our awesome challenges can be solved/addressed by incrementalism or minimalist pragmatism which side-steps the profound economic and social transformation which has been underway in this country for the past 20 years. A renewed political and social compact of a united people under a ULP government is required, building upon the pre-existing achievements while at the same time embracing bold, fresh initiatives to Lift SVG Higher, optimally and enduringly. This is not the time for any old-fashioned tinkering of the NDP yesteryears, or seductive mirages which are unsustainable and downright dangerous such as the selling of passports and citizenship.”
In Comrade Ralph’s “Letter to the Voters of SVG”, he stated:
“There is much still for me to accomplish with the ULP on behalf of the people, in their interest. I assure you of my optimism for our country’s future, especially for our young people and our working men and women. You know that I am not a man of lamentations or a debilitating learned helplessness; my upbringing, education, life experiences condition me not to be a mimic man; I have been blessed with the gift of independent thought, not imitative thinking. I am full of energy and enthusiasm for the tasks ahead; and I do not want to leave behind any unfinished task! Like the esteemed Issachar, one of the Leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, I know the times, its challenges, and its opportunities, and I shall continue to act accordingly in the people’s interest.”
Between 2020 and now, every objective observer will undoubtedly affirm that the ULP government and Comrade Ralph have delivered as pledged in the Party’s Manifesto of 2020 to be true to the interests of the people of SVG and their substantial betterment. Indeed, despite COVID, volcanic eruptions, Hurricane Elsa and Beryl, and global turmoil, SVG in the last four years has made massive progress in the people’s interest and their humanization. Moreover, the rolled-out plans for the present and the future are stuffed with real, achievable promises for the people’s betterment.
Again, the ULP restates its vision, its fundamental philosophical tenets, and the cornerstones of its policies and programmes in every area of human, social, economic, and political activity in life, living, and production.
Without these basic foundational elements, no political party can properly govern in the people’s interest. Without these as our charts and compass, the ship of state will be rudderless, and it will run aground swiftly.
These Ten Foundational Elements of the ULP are:
- A people-centred vision; (ii) the philosophy of advanced social democracy as applied to the condition of SVG; (iii) the affirmation of our Caribbean civilisation, inclusive of its magnificent Vincentian component, and its further advancement/ennoblement; (iv) the ongoing pursuit of Good Governance; (v) our economic approach in cultivating or fashioning a harmonious tripartite economy (private, cooperative, and state sectors); (vi) the economic quest to build a modern, competitive, many-sided, post-colonial economy; (vii) the achievement of central economic outcomes (Job creation; wealth creation; a balanced, open economy pf diverse economic pillars; inclusive economic growth; fiscal, monetary, and financial stability; targeted strategic interventions; economic inclusiveness, equity, and fairness); (viii) the achievement of the 17 sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as agreed to at the United Nations; (ix) the pursuance of a policy of mature regionalism and integration; (x) the implementation of an efficacious foreign policy combining our values and our interests.
In all of this political leadership is of paramount importance. Comrade Ralph is a tried and tested leader of the highest quality. This fact is recognised at home and abroad, even by his political opponents. Now is not the time to take chances; chances are for those who play Lotto; we cannot gamble with our country’s future.
Among other things, leadership demands centrally Energy and Will, Vison and Skill. There is another quality, identifiable and recognisable, but difficult to define precisely; it is a gift from God; you either possess it or you do not. It is this gift that differentiates the pedestrian personality posing as leader and the truly outstanding one; that remarkable individual who has gone through metaphoric wilderness experiences and veritable fire and emerged triumphant with, and, for his people. Lazy, low-energy, weak, visionless persons, inexperienced in the art and science of real leadership and not possessed of the requisite bundle of skis will lead any enterprise to disaster; untried and untested leadership poseurs, are incapable of transformational leadership; they always fail!
The Comrade has been moulded and shaped by extraordinary forces and circumstances. His mettle is legendary. The people know this!
The Comrade has been beaten on the anvil of experience and forged in the cauldron of struggle. He has dedicated his entire life to the service of the people of SVG and the Caribbean. The rebel in him, and the love in him continue to drive him always with fresh ideas to improve the lot of the people; and the love for people, of the individual and the collective, sustains him in his endeavors.
On the platform, he enjoys being introduced to Jimmy Cliff’s “The Rebel in Me”:
“If the rebel in me
Can touch the rebel in you
And the rebel in you
Can touch the rebel in me
And the rebels we be
Is gonna set us free
Then it would bring out the rebel
Bring out the rebel
Bring out the rebel in me.
“My love is deeper than the ocean
Our love is in need of sweet devotion
Come on, because you got the potion
To bring out the love in me
And I would bring out the love in you.”
The ULP wishes all a happy and prosperous 2025!