- St Vincent Retains 3 Position in Eastern Caribbean on CPI
St Vincent retained its position as the 3rd least corrupt state in the Eastern Caribbean per the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Country Rankings.
Based on the 2024 CPI report, released on Tuesday, St Vincent scored 63 out of 100.
In the 2024 report, St Vincent was ranked at 32 out of 180 countries, up 3 points from 2023.
Barbados placed first with a rank of 23 and the Bahamas second with a rank of 28.
How are country scores calculated?
Each country’s score is a combination of at least 3 data sources drawn from 13 different corruption surveys and assessments. These data sources are collected by a variety of reputable institutions, including the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.
CPI scores do not reflect the views of Transparency International or our staff.
What is the difference between a country/territory’s rank and its score?
A country’s score is the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0-100, where 0 means highly corrupt and 100 means very clean.
A country’s rank is its position relative to the other countries in the index. Ranks can change merely if the number of countries included in the index changes.
The rank is therefore not as important as the score in terms of indicating the level of corruption in that country.