On Monday, it became evident to Vincentians why Dr. Kishore Shallow faced a baptism of fire upon declaring his political ambitions. Shallow made it clear that he was asked to consider contesting the Central Leeward seat for the ULP.
The discourse on Boom FM 106.9 FM lacked clarity regarding the identity of the individual/s who prompted the consideration of the aforementioned and the specific election year in question. The NDP North Leeward candidate stated that he was residing in the Buccament/Pembroke area at that time.
“I was asked to consider it. However, I only commit to anything if I can serve the people with the same level of professionalism that I believe all professionals should exhibit. And whenever I do anything, I always say it’s an extension or representation of my parents; if I can’t represent them as well as they should be, I don’t commit.”
Shallow went on to say, “I just couldn’t commit.” I couldn’t commit myself at the time. I wasn’t interested in it. In politics and in the state of politics. Listen, quite frankly, I still struggle to accept that, you know, when people call me a politician.”
In response to host Dwight Bing Joseph’s inquiry regarding whether his selection of the NDP was motivated by a more straightforward route to leadership, he asserted, “That is not the case.”
“The reason I am with the New Democratic Party at this point as a candidate representing the people of North Leeward is simply because I see that the NDP is ready to govern Saint Vincent the way it should be governed. I see in Dr. Friday somebody who would put the country before himself. when I look at the different candidates. Major Leacock, Daniel Cummings Young Cupid, Philip Jackson, and Fitz Bramble. This is a team that I could actually associate with. We are like-minded. If you listen, you’ll hear their plans and passion for developing Saint Vincent and Grenadines. I could see myself being part of that.”
Carlos James, the incumbent Member of Parliament for North Leeward, is poised to confront Shallow.