The National Liberation Movement (NLM) has planned a public march and rally to highlight aspects of social injustices happening on our island.
The march is slated for Sunday 16 March 2025 and the venue is the town of Layou. The march will commence at the waterfront area in Layou then upwards into the town along the route through to the Plan area then back onto the waterfront. The event is scheduled to commence at 4:00 pm lasting approximately three hours (4:00 pm to 7:00 pm).
Several speakers will address the gathering. Addresses will also come from the President of the Teachers Union Mr. Oswald Robinson as well as the General Secretary of the Public Service Union.
As such, a very special invitation is extended to the general public to participate in the activities as aforementioned. The platform on the Layou waterfront area will serve as the area from which speakers will address the gathering after the march.
Guest speaker is Dr. Trevor Stephen, a psychotherapist from Grenada. Also, on Monday 17 March 2025 Dr. Stephen will give a lecture about overcoming post disaster trauma. Twenty to twenty-five (20 – 25) attendees at that event will be primarily drawn from the Chateaubelair area. A warm welcome awaits you.