Minister of Tourism Cecil Mckie says during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Blacksands Resort it was noted that the developer would have to mobilise certain aspects in the preparation phase for the actual construction.
McKie was responding to a question from Opposition Member Hon Arnhim Eustace for Dr Godwin Friday Leader of the Opposition, who requested an update on the project.
The Minister said a few months was spent clearing the site, along with excavation in preparation for laying the foundation.
“ All this work must be considered a major part of the construction phase and was done under the watchful eyes of various agencies”.
Minister Mc Kie said currently intense discussion is taking place to finalise aspects of the master plan, as well as streamlining the problematic and schematic phases of the project.
“ It is therefore not fair to say that, delays have been experienced in the project, as work is ongoing”.
He says the plan reflects some 40, 4 to 5 rooms villas which will be done under phase implementation, along with a 200 room hotel which would be built over a 24-30 month period.
“ As Minister of tourism I am conscious of the need to increase our hotel rooms which are currently at 2200, it was indeed evident when we opened the Argyle airport in February and also during the recent Carnival celebrations”.
The Minister noted a further challenge took place with the visit of over 1000 sportspersons in August and may very well be challenged with an influx of visitors for the winter season, with chartered and scheduled international flights expected.
The resort will be constructed at Mt Wynne-Peter’s Hope on the leeward side of the island and is expected to cost $60 million.