Based on the CAPE results and the Associate Degree results in 2018, some 47 students will receive scholarships, bursaries and exhibitions.
For CAPE results there are 17 national scholarship winners, all the students would have received marks of 80 percent and above in exams.
Students with grades between 75 – 79 percent will be granted exhibitions and 70 – 74 percent will be granted bursaries.
7 students will receive exhibitions while some 8 students will receive bursaries a total of 32 from CAPE results.
National scholarships are 5 years, with tuition and all living expenses paid for at universities.
For bursaries students will receive $20,000 for each of the 3 years.
In terms of Associate Degrees there a two national exhibition awards, one special award and twelve bursaries, a total of 15.
The Prime Minister’s award for 2018 goes to Jerad Porter.
All recipients are named in the clip below