ROAD Tennis is becoming popular in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
And according to the Chief Executive Officer of the Professional Road Tennis Association, Dale Clarke, this success follows a three-year programme that was designed to get other islands in the Caribbean and countries abroad playing the sports Barbadians hold dear.
“It was a three-year programme where we introduced the sport right across the island of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
We went from the rural to the urban areas and over the last three years, it has spread throughout the country, with lots of people playing it so it has risen tremendously,” he said”.
Clarke said that St Vincent’s programme, which was sponsored by Barbadian business Capita Financial, was on par with Barbados’ since it also offered prize money as an incentive to get more people playing.
“We also took tablets for the young kids so that it would be a mixture of educational tools along with the prize money, and the response has been fantastic,” he said.