St Vincent and the Grenadines will on April 26th, 2019 will hold the first ever “Everything Vincy Night Market“.
Marketing Officer of Invest SVG Angenella Young said the Kingstown market is being cleaned up and washed down in preparation for the twenty-sixth of April where the night market would be held.
” The market is going to come alive Friday 26th, on up until 11:00 pm, we have invited persons to come along. It’s free to participate. You just have to register with Invest SVG, and you will be provided with a table”.
Young noted that regular or everyday vendors would be included.
“Everybody in the stores, everybody who wants to participate can be a part of it. We’re going to have entertainment, fashion shows and local entertainers including Calypso artists”.
Young further stated that once all goes well they are hoping to have it every end of the month.
” We have to bring St. Vincent alive, everybody is complaining about not being able to make money and stuff like that, so we have come with this idea to the table and it has been well received so far”.
“We will have everything, even some of the stores, we have invited persons who have stores who are interested in selling certain items, you might have items that are in your store that is not really moving fast, being part of the night market can bring attention to those items”.
The night market will begin at 6 pm at the Kingstown Vegetable Market.