Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves announced in parliament at 3.45pm today, that Justice Brian Cottle has dismissed two applications brought before the court by the NDP in relation to the 2015 General Elections.
The NDP had sought through the courts redress in what they said evidence pointed to them winning the Cental Leeward and North WindWard seats,but fraud in the process allowed those seats to go in the column of the ULP allowing them to win the 2015 election.
The Judge in writing said that “in the present case the petitioners were obligated to provide sureties. The recognizances provided by the petitioner revealed no sureties- only the petitioners themselves stood as surety”.
The Judge went on in writing to say “that the absence of sureties as required is fatal. The petitions he said are void and nullities and consequently struck out for this reason.
The petitioners will pay the respondents cost to be assessed if not agreed, the Judge wrote.