Telecommunications provider, Digicel SVG, has embarked on a project to revive and stabilize the Our Lady of Guadalupe Home, located at Cane End in the Marriaqua constituency.
This Home is the lone non-profit institution on mainland St. Vincent that focuses primarily on transforming the lives of suffering and abused young girls, by providing them with a safe housing and nurturing environment.
According to a release from Digicel, the upgrades at the Home were undertaken at a cost of approximately EC$85,000.
A ceremony to facilitate the official unveiling of the upgraded institution is scheduled to take place on Tuesday July 12, 2016 at 10:00am at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Home, in Cane End.
Addresses are expected to come from Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Area Representative Jimmy Prince, representatives of Digicel and members of the Board of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Home.