Seventy-Two (72) year old, Walcott Roache Haywood, a popular taxi operator who resides at Lodge Village has been ordered to return to the High Court on December 11, 2019, when he will know his fate with regards to five separate charges of obtaining the sum of $74,332.30 by deception upon Marilyn Buke, a citizen of Tobago, between the months of April and June 2013.
The order was given by Justice Brian Cottle on Wednesday, 25th September, 2019, when Haywood with legal representation from Bertram Commissiong appeared at the High Court and entered plea of guilty on all charges.
It was during such time his lawyer made an application to the Court to have sentencing adjourned to a later date in an effort to allow Haywood to compensate Duke. According to Commissiong QC, he instructed his client to plea guilty to the charges due to the fact that it would have been hard for him to come up with a defence, although there would have been some mitigating factors.
His application was upheld by the Judge who told Haywood that the offences are very serious and has exposed himself to a long term of imprisonment if he does not come up with the compensation.