Prime Minister Gonsalves said an airline should have made an announcement in June, which is the advice that he had received at the time of his statement.
No such announcement has been made to date about such foreign carrier.
However, Gonsalves said Wednesday while speaking at the AIA that the Government has already received a date when the airline would make its inaugural flight.
Gonsalves, however, did not name the foreign air carrier, sources close to NEWS784 indicated that Thompson Airline or JetBlue would soon make an announcement base on the information they obtained.
Gonsalves said persons in the new management company reassured him that the airport would be ready for such time.
He said he would allow the airline to make its own announcement when they are ready in accordance with their own business plan.
Gonsalves told members of the press in the presence of the U.A.E delegation, that he keeps citizens updated in an honest way and would never be able to satisfy those who have an inveterate dislike of Ralph or the Government.
He said there are also some chronic internet crazies, they too, “I will never be able to satisfy”, the Prime Minister said.