Three male primary school students from schools in the South Central Windward area have been awarded for their excellence in education.
The three awards, each valued at EC$500.00, were presented to Kwesi James; Degroy Harry; and J’vor Bacchus who placed 18th, 52nd, and 66th respectively, in the 2016 Caribbean Proficiency Evaluation Assessment (CPEA).
K’wesi’ excellence led the way for his colleagues at the New Grounds Primary, while Degroy at the Diamonds Government, and J’vor at the Lauders Primary, claimed the top spots for their respective schools.
Five other CPEA students in different communities have also received special economic assistance packages to help fund the start of their secondary education.
The incentive-based program conceptualized by Sean Rose in June 2016, seeks to inspire students, from communities across the SCW area, to aspire for excellence in education.
The venture is also driven by a desire to see more incentive based programs at the primary school level.