"Vincentians Must Stop The Sale Of Mt Wynne-Peters Hope" Luzette King

Political activist Luzette King said it is now 260 days and counting since the Unity Labour Party has been holding hostage the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. In the meantime, “they continue their quest to disenfranchise a nation that is predominantly of African descent king said.

Luzette king
Luzette king

King is calling on Vincentians to come out and oppose the sale of lands to a group of Canadian millionaires to construct a hotel in the Mt Wynne-Peter’s Hope area.

King said there is no evidence of public consultation on the use of the lands and there is a possibility that the nation could be denied access to another beach.

She said that given the present situation on the Grenadine island on Canouan, where there is a dispute over beach access between the local people and the developers, this question must be addressed and calls for persons to challenge plans by the ULP administration to place the lands at the disposal of the Canadians.


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