The leader of St Vincent and the Grenadines Opposition party, Dr Godwin Friday, says an NDP government will leave no stone unturned when it comes to dealing with crime and violence.
Friday made this clear on his party’s radio program on Monday 23 May.
The NDP will employ all measures available to it, both local and external, to deal with the problem.
According to Dr Friday, there are social and criminal issues to be addressed, including cases of sexual assault and child abuse.
“These things cannot be continually swept under the carpet as they result in much harm and hurt while perpetuating the problem”.
In Friday’s view, the government should also listen to the voice of the young people and begin this process immediately. The current government has not acknowledged this need, making it a large part of the problem, the Opposition leader stated.
Friday noted that safety networks need to be set up urgently since the vulnerable cannot be ignored while we think we are doing well.
His list included shelters for abused children, housing, and medical facilities.
To date, 15 homicides have been recorded in St Vincent and the Grenadines in 2022.
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