Written By Ernesto Cooke
It would appear that the Cyber Crime Bill is causing a frenzy of comments from all sectors of society.
Three international organizations and the regional media fraternity have written to the Government concerning a revisioning of clause 16 of the bill.
But the most bizarre of them all was what I heard this morning on WEFM with Frank Da Silva calling the Leader of the DRP a “STUPID BITCH”.
He further went to say that she is the epitome of arrogance and stupidity, Da Silva was at the time speaking of Eustace support for what Baptiste was debating in public about the Cyber Crime Bill.
News784 spoke with Baptiste shortly after exiting from the select committee meeting on Thursday this is what she told us.
“Despite that comment, I do not wish for the person to be jailed for their speech. I don’t even want money. I am a free speech proponent and those words neither “pick my pocket nor break my leg” to quote Thomas Jefferson.
I am not thin-skinned. I am a mature individual. The problem is that the cybercrimes bill about to pass in parliament will encourage many people to engage the police and possibly the courts for statements like that and less that are repeatedly communicated to them online; statements which people normally would have overlooked and not become intolerant about. I continually call on the authorities to Kill the anti-free speech sections of the bill!”
Before the publication of this article, News784 was able to obtain to a conversation of Frank Da Silva calling back to WEFM shakeup Program to make his point about Miss Baptiste a second time take a listen below.