Cambridge Analytica offshoots have been and continue to advise the NDP in St. Vincent since 1998, according to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves on the Issue at Hand Program on Sunday.
People who have come out of them, according to Gonsalves, have told him why they are targeting Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the government, and Ralph Gonsalves in particular.
“These offshoots, these operatives, work along with a big company in Switzerland with the so-called king of passports. And Chinese companies are involved. Notice. I’m always saying that the Chinese state is not involved. Chinese companies are involved, but it is unlikely that the state machinery in China would know about their involvement. And they have been putting money into the opposition, and they were on the ground causing mischief”.
“I have seen a document that was discussed when they were on the ground here. They have the initials of the journalists for whom they are paying. Do you hear what I’m telling you? I’m telling you, there is an authentic document with the initials of particular people who are journalists in this country and are getting paid. And there are other journalists who, in addition to getting pay, are offered in the future particular kinds of appointments, and they have already started to plant stories”.
“What they do is prepare a boilerplate news story and send it to have it propagated, and what they will do is, they may not call people names, but through different accounts on social media, they begin to call the person by their name and let that catch on like wildfire.”.
Worse, according to Gonsalves, these foreign elements and their local equivalents strive to promote destabilization in the country among certain sections.
“This was done in Kenya.” They have done so in other Caribbean countries and are currently attempting to do so in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. “But I’m aware of it,” Gonsalves remarked.
Gonsalves said on Sunday that those who want his political demise have invested a lot of money to bring him down, but they have been unable to do so. There are two factors at work: having invested a lot of money, the window is narrowing for the citizenship by investment program, so time is of the essence for them.
“So for them to put another 3, 4, and 5 million USD It’s small compared to what they have spent already to see if they can create destabilization and if there could be fresh elections before the end of 2025, which is not going to happen. But they could always hope”.
“The noose is tightening in Britain and it’s tightening in Europe, but they feel that they may have a little time, maybe three years, maybe four years before the whole bottom drops out completely because it’s dropping out bit by bit, drip by drip, and the dropping out of the bottom will accelerate. And so they are gambling. They want to make a literal killing. In terms of monies from selling passports”, the prime minister said.