Mr. Padarath has been involved in several business support organizations such as the Suriname Business Forum, the Suriname Taxi Services Cooperative, and the Cooperative Federation Road and Rail Transport among others. He became the Vice-President of the Suriname Chamber of Commerce in 2016 and the President in 2019. Mr. Padarath’s experience in the Private Sector and his involvement in such organizations makes him an optimal representative for Caribbean MSMEs and Chambers of Commerce.
Our Vice Chair Ms. Petipha Lewis has worked in both the Public and Private Sectors, and with not-for-profit organizations, which includes the Agency for Reconstruction and Development – an institution set up to oversee the reconstruction of Grenada after the devastation of Hurricane Ivan in 2004. As Executive Director of the Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GCIC) she has been credited with effectively restructuring the finances of the organization and has played a key role in the growth of the membership, improvement of services and leading advocacy initiatives in the interest of the private sector.
The outgoing chair is Mr. Brian Louisy, Executive Director of the Saint-Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (SLCCIA) and Vice Chair Ms. Misha Lobban Clarke Executive Director of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Louisy shared his satisfaction with the wider membership on the execution of the Action Plan 2021-2022, noting three particular accomplishments falling under the main pillars of CARICHAM:
- The creation of CARICHAM Business Resilience toolkit developed in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), comprising CARICHAM Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Template and Guide; CARICHAM Business Continuity Planning Videos; CARICHAM Family Friendly Business Continuity Supplementary Checklist.
- The securing of resources for the creation of CARICHAM Center of Excellence in partnership with UNDRR and the UPS Foundation.
- A successful proposal for the INTERREG Project “SCBC: Strengthening the Caribbean Business Community” for the structuring of CARICHAM, in partnership with the Martinique Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the SLCCIA, the Regional Mediation Center of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in the Caribbean (CARO OHADAC) and SOS Kriz.