“My Story” is a captivating musical journey brought to life by the creative collaboration between Devon ‘Braave’ Charles and the production prowess of Raymond Ryan of Adrenalin784 Productions. This single by Braave portraits a message about self-identity, staying true to oneself, and rising above negativity and criticism. The lyrics express the idea that many people are unaware of the artist’s personal journey and struggles, yet they continue to make judgments and assumptions. The artist emphasizes that they remain focused on their goals and aspirations, regardless of what others may think or say.
Braave reflects on how others lack knowledge about his life story and history. Despite this lack of understanding, the artist remains focus on his journey. The lyrics also suggest a sense of confidence and control, comparing himself to a leader who is fully in charge.
The mention of wearing T-shirt and jeans that are clean implies a simple yet polished appearance, symbolizing how the artist presents himself authentically without being flashy. The reference to Neymar and riding Sativa might indicate striving for achievement and enjoying life’s highs, respectively. “Big heights” metaphorically refer to reaching significant milestones.
The lines “Man just Tranquillo, Man calm like Tony Montana” highlight the artist’s calm and composed demeanor, even in the face of challenges. This comparison to Tony Montana, a character known for his composure in the movie “Scarface,” reinforces the idea of staying collected.
The recurring phrase “Mi Story bro” emphasizes that people don’t fully know the artist’s story and reminds the audience that the artist’s true experiences may be different from what others assume. The artist acknowledges the rumors and gossip circulating about him, but asserts that those who truly know them understand that he is cool and composed.
The lyrics also encourage listeners to stay calm and focused on their own journeys. The lines “Stop Gwarn like your life cah done” advise against living as if one is invincible. Instead, the artist suggests working hard, making money, and becoming one’s own boss. The reference to “life fun” indicates that life can be enjoyable and fulfilling.
The lyrics continue to urge listeners to avoid unnecessary conflict and violence, emphasizing the importance of living a positive and successful life. Braave encourages those who engage in fights and trouble to live a better life as hardworking individuals who live well and maintain a positive attitude.
Overall, these lyrics convey a message of self-assurance, perseverance, and authenticity. The artist encourages listeners to focus on their goals, rise above negativity, and embrace their unique stories.