On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, Michael Odu, a 29-year-old Nigerian medical student, tragically lost his life due to drowning in Fort Duvenette.
Based on available records, it has been documented that the dead individual, accompanied by a cohort of acquaintances, embarked on a recreational outing to Fort Duvenette at approximately midday on August 1, 2023. According to reports, he purportedly traversed to Young Island on the same day, and experienced difficulties when attempting to make his way back to Fort Duvenette.
Odu was extracted from the water in an unconscious state, and efforts were undertaken to revive him.
He was transported via water taxi to Young Island Dock and subsequently transferred to Milton Cato Memorial Hospital, where the District Medical Officer officially declared his demise.
A postmortem examination will be performed on the deceased individual’s body in order to determine the underlying cause of death.
The investigations are currently in progress.