Self-proclaimed prophetess (Sister Kerry-Ann Gidden) stated in a YouTube video on December 24 that her home nation of Jamaica is expected to face God’s judgment in the form of a tsunami and earthquake.
Gidden said the parish of Saint Catherine, where she used to live while in Jamaica, will feel the brunt of God’s wrath on the island.
This is the second time that Gidden’s is waning her home nation, in November 2019 she stated in a Youtube Video;
“An earthquake will trigger a tsunami, and hundreds of lives will be lost.” “God is displeased with the people of Jamaica, so he is going to shake things up a bit,” she said.
Sister Kerry-Ann says that many don’t believe when she prophesies about these things because they have the attitude that we are blessed.
“The Lord says there’s a great earthquake that is going to hit the country of Jamaica (JA), and the Lord told me again this morning (December 24) and said that I should warn them it is coming.”
“Parts of the country will be lost, many people will die, and many will be swept away into the sea because the sea is going to come far inland.” If you know the map of (JA) there’s a place—I think it’s called Saint Catherine— the water will stop in a place called Linstead. That is to show you how far the water will come. “This is a serious warning,” Sister Kerry-Ann said.
Gidden said the only way the island will be spared is if the people turn away from evil, stating that it is a case of Nineveh.
Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, was destroyed in 612 B.C. by the Medes. This was in fulfillment of the prophet Nahum’s prediction that God would completely destroy the city (Nahum 1). During the prophet Jonah’s day, Nineveh was spared by God’s compassion in response to their repentance (Jonah 3). This happened in 760 B.C.