Independence under Tyranny
It is approaching one year since the Ralph Gonsalves administration waged war on the liberty of conscience of the people of this independent state. Teachers, nurses and public servants were the primary targets of an unrighteous law that prescribed unemployment if they object to Government’s assault against their God-given liberty of conscience. The decree also gave the private sector the clearance to fire unvaccinated employees. It was “Jabs and jobs” as the Prime Minister campaigned to gut the teaching service, retaining only those who submit mind and conscience to his “supreme” scientific vision. Unemployment loomed and many were coerced into being injected with what can only be described as the deadliest “vaccine” in the history of modern medicine. There is a name for the government’s coercive action – Tyranny, not public health.
Since the reckless mandate was enforced by this oppressive government, we have seen over 500 public sector workers fired, defamed, accused of abandoning their duties, laughed at for turning up to an empty bank account and threatened with property loss. We’ve also seen death rates rise among teachers; a dramatic decline in academic performance from CSEC students; a botched attempt to mandate booster shots for health workers; a parliament shut down due to covid infection among 8 fully jabbed ULP parliamentarians; a desperate plea from a misguided Prime Minister for teachers to get jabbed and reapply.
The resilience of Vincentians was severely tested by the wicked policies of a government whom the majority of voters rejected. The destructive grip of tyranny is on our people as we mourn the loss of freedoms and fight back against the vicious assault on liberty of conscience, bodily autonomy and freedom of choice. Independence 2022 meets us a victimized people, baffled by the overreaching arrogance of this government while struggling to shake off its oppression.
It is clear that the ‘vaccine’ was never tested to determine its ability to prevent infection, replication and transmission of the virus. The Chief Medical Officer should have known this as far back as July 2021 when the Centers for Disease Control (US) made that confession. Persons untrained in medicine were unearthing and exposing this evidence months before the mandate in 2021. Yet today, the mandate remains with varying enforcement measures, the latest for unvaccinated teachers being mandatory weekly testing and masking. There is nowhere on earth where this discriminatory requirement actually makes sense. But it must be agreed to by any unjabbed teacher who reapplies to return to the teaching service. Another asinine mandate not based on any public health interest but based on an egoistic quest for control. That too shall fail.
Tyrants never take responsibility for their failures. They always carve out a way to have their victims admit that they (the tyrants) were never wrong, even though the facts and evidence prove otherwise. The Government never agreed to assume liability for potential harms that workers may suffer from taking these experimental shots, even though the trade unions begged them to make that pledge before implementing the unscientific mandate. Instead, they contended “choices have consequences”, while ignoring the potential harmful consequences of a forced choice, that many will later suffer from these jabs. And when their victims cite adverse reactions, the authorities’ retort is almost automatic: “correlation is not causation, how do you know the injury is caused by the vaccine?”
When asked what the Government has to lose by reinstating fired workers, the Prime Minister made it clear: to do so will be an admission of wrongdoing on the government’s part. Instead, the fired employees must concede that the government’s mandate was right by reapplying, an act that legitimizes the government’s lying claim that they abandoned their duties and were deemed to have resigned as a consequence. The Government chose to act as puppets of the ruling globalist elites, pressuring citizens into submission to an agenda not built on science. It was always about tyrannical control.
We did nothing to warrant this oppression. The Prime Minister believed the experimental jabs prevented transmission of the virus, and he was proven wrong. The CMO believed the experimental substances prevented infection, replication, and transmission of the virus and she was proven wrong. They united in mandating an experimental harmful injection on the workers of SVG based on their misinformed view and they were proven wrong multiple times over as outbreaks continued among fully vaccinated office workers and teachers and ULP parliamentarians. They opened carnival activities to all and closed classrooms to many qualified experienced teachers. CSEC results were dismal. The untold stories of injury from these jabs are emerging and so is evidence of retribution from God on the petty tyrants of this country.
It was a year of tyranny. The resilience, fortitude and unity of Vincentians were assaulted in ways never before seen since independence in 1979. The wicked rule, the people mourn. One thing is certain, all petty tyrants will fall. A day of reckoning is coming. The architects and enforcers of anti-conscience tyranny will be held to account for their reckless disregard for human life and wellbeing. It is in this promise we find hope.
“The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.” Proverbs 11:5.