Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves speaking at EXPO 2020, said the presence of his country in Dubai for the event is due to a convergence of four sets of circumstances.
1. To promote SVG for investment and trade, Its cultural expressions and its way of life
2. To consolidate and build on the bilateral relationship which exists between SVG and UAE
3. To learn from countries at EXPO 2020 by adapting their best practices
4. To work assiduously with various nations and institutions, thus enhancing the global condition of peace, prosperity and security.
Gonsalves told listening officials that the UAE and its political leadership has been exemplary and inspiring in the latter.
The Prime Minister told the gathering that SVG, with its small open economy, is awash with possibilities, despite its limitation.
“We are a country asses by the UNDP as having a high human development index. We are a liberal democracy which values the protection of individuals rights and freedoms, and at the same time praises social solidarity in pursuit of strategic objectives large and small”, Gonsalves said.
Gonsalves said that the two countries have been building a quality partnership beyond the usual diplomatic relations over the recent decade.
This has been done by removing visa restrictions for reciprocal travel between UAE and SVG and engaging each other in diplomacy and international relations.
Gonsalves said that investors from Dubai are currently in discussions with SVG on tourism, urban development, development of seaports, air travel, and financial services.
“I am sure SVG will benefit materially from our participation in EXPO 2020; however, in any event, SVG participating in this extraordinary world Expo is an obligation out of solidarity with Dubai. And duty as a responsible member of the international community to achieve lasting peace, prosperity and security.
Both UAE and SVG are friends of all and are striving for a better world, Gonsalves told those listening.