With St Vincent having a low to moderate vaccination rate, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves said efforts must be made to get the numbers up.
“We have to lift the vaccination rates, and I think the places where we have to go is in the schools; we have to encourage the families to have children over the age of 12 to take the vaccine”.
“We also have to get the elderly, those groups in the communities, the diabetics and hypertensive to take the vaccine”.
On Sunday, while speaking on WEFM Issue at Hand, Gonsalves urged young persons to take the vaccine.
“If you feel that you are powerful and not going to die, well, taking COVID home to the elderly means that you may contribute to their death”.
“We don’t have to underestimate the virus or overestimate it either, but work in a more united and concerted manner, putting an end to the lies and disinformation”.
Gonsalves said even though there is a drop in hospitalizations, it does not mean we should let our guard down.
“There is still too much irresponsibility on the minivans; people are not wearing their masks, while drivers and conductors are allowing more than the bus can carry”.
Gonsalves said there is no magic in opening up the country entirely, but only for us to follow the protocols and take the vaccine.
As of Sunday, 20 February, the country had recorded 8281 cases of COIVD 19 and 104 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic.
67,175 COVID -19 vaccines have been administered. First dose, 35,126, second dose, 29,038 and 3,011 boosters.