Opposition Leader Dr Godwin Friday says the reopening of Buccament Bay Resort according to the IMF is expected to generate economic growth, however, in his view, this is a huge assumption.
He said they have spoken to individuals who should have knowledge of whats taking place and they have told him that it is unlikely the resort would be open anytime soon.
Friday at his press conference on Wednesday 17th January 2018, questioned whether or not the hotel was leased or sold.
“ We have heard that there was an entity in Barbados, who may have leased it, but when will it be ready for operation, will there be substantial repairs needed, all these things have to be factored in if we are thinking of reopening”.
Friday said the 2.1 percent economic growth predicted by the IMF is anaemic, however, it is better than a 1 percent.
In December of 2017, Prime Minister Gonsalves said the five Star Buccament Bay Resort is expected to be re-opened by the summer of 2018.
Speaking on radio Thursday 28th December, Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said after the end of the first quarter of 2018, the government should have a clear idea as to the way forward.
“ I have been talking to Brian Glasgow who is the trustee in Bankruptcy, from KPMG an auditing firm, hopefully, we should have everything together so at least there could be a soft opening for the summer,” Gonsalves said in December of 2017.
Gonsalves further said there are at least three groups who are interested, they can be up and running in two months.
However, he had stated that the inspectors had not yet approved who they will allow to take over.