Material distribution to residents of the red and orange zones
As the St. Vincent government begins the distribution of some materials for homeowners in the Red and Orange zones, whose houses were damaged as a result of the volcanic eruption, the islands’ Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves is urging homeowners to be reasonable with their requests.
“You can’t send the materials needed to build an entire house because we’re so generous, this government. How could someone send a material list worth $30,000, $40,000, $50,000, or $60,000? It’s not logical.”
“The government cannot build houses for everybody, so I want to urge that when they’re making the requests, they be reasonable and remember that we have some bad cases throughout the country.”
Gonsalves said people must understand that, due to the 2021 volcanic eruptions, priority must be given to the red and orange zones.
“We will deal with other people in other constituencies on a case-by-case basis, but you have to give us a chance to solve this problem for our northeast and northwest brothers and sisters; I don’t think some people understand the damage that has been done there.”
Gonsalves stated that the government hopes to restart the national distribution drive programme soon.