Grenada records significant increase in dengue fever cases
The Ministry of Health in Grenada reported a considerable increase in Dengue Fever cases.
Dr. Shawn Charles, Grenada’s acting CMO, reported 20 cases for Epidemiology Week #18.
The CMO stated that Health Surveillance Officers and Vector Control intervention resources are being deployed to control additional rises as the Ministry monitors the situation.
Dr. Charles reported eight dengue fever hospitalizations, three of which were severe.
CMO Charles told the GIS that the Ministry’s data showed that 5–14-year-olds and 25–44-year-olds were most affected.
He said 50% of dengue fever hospitalizations are from St. Andrew. Sts. George and Patrick each contributed 25%.
Thus, people should avoid mosquito bites and take precautions.
“It is very important for the public to protect themselves by using approved insect repellants, mosquito nets, and long-sleeved clothing, but most of all it is vitally important for people to ensure that their surroundings are clean and that they destroy existing and potential mosquito breeding sites.”
On Saturday, officers from the Vector Control Department of the Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Religious Affairs (MOHWARA) conducted fogging operations in the Parish of St. Andrew, where mosquito populations and dengue cases have increased.
Mirabeau, Paradise, Mt Horne, and Salisbury were targeted yesterday. Sunday’s St Andrew procedure included further interventions.
MOHWARA asks homeowners/residents to help during operations.