Hans king Press Secretary to Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves said that he thinks the time has come for morning shows to have producers.
King speaking on the Shakeup program on WEFM Monday morning, said that his concern came about after hearing individuals castigating Judge Cottle for refusing an application by the New Democratic Party to access certain electoral documents in relation to the December 9th general elections.
He said that what you have is a lot of ignorant people informing ignorant people, King on many occasion used his time on the radio program to call on the many radio announcers and the Opposition Party to educate listeners to their programs.
King also stated that the Leader of the Opposition is what he would call “2 kool No 2”, referring to the popular DJ ON HOT 97.1. He said that Eustace is always hearing something and running with it. King said last week the Leader of the Opposition propagated on what he calls comess that VAT would increase to 18 percent.
It was made know by Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves that VAT would not be increased by his Government.
Barbados and Jamaica among others have producers for radio programs, St Vincent does not, these countries also have broadcasting commissions.
What is the Commission? The electronic media, broadcast radio and television, as well as subscriber television, have profound and wide-reaching effects on many aspects of the daily lives of citizens.
The Broadcasting Commission’s role is to monitor and regulate these industries, balancing the interests of consumers, the industries and the creative community in implementing public policy and law.