Soraya Boyea, the recipient of the second Scholarship named in honour of the late Claude Theobalds has promised to maintain excellence in her school work and bring pride to the National Broadcasting Corporation-NBC Radio.
Boyea, who enters secondary school in September this year, made that promise Wednesday August 17 as she was presented with the NBC/Claude Theobalds Memorial Scholarship.
Boyea who attended the Kingstown Preparatory School, placed 48th overall in this year’s CPEA examinations and will be attending the Girls High School.
The scholarship was inaugurated by the National Broadcasting Corporation -NBC Radio in 2012 -in memory of Mr. Theobalds who served as General Manager of Radio St. Vincent and the Grenadines from 1972 to 1982.
The cheque was presented to Soraya by Anthony Theobalds, son of the late Claude Theobalds.
Chairman of the NBC Board Elson Crick, said the Corporation is pleased to remember the excellent work done by Theobalds as a manager, broadcaster and in the wider field of communication through the granting of a scholarship in his name.
First Published NBCSVG