A tragic incident occurred on Emancipation Day, Tuesday 1 August, resulting in the death of a male medical student from Nigeria.
The incident took place in the waters surrounding Fort Duvernette, situated on the South Coast of St. Vincent.
The individual in question has been identified as Michael Oluwatobi Asd.
Report acknowledges that Michael inadvertently slipped from a rocky surface he was traversing and subsequently submerged into the surrounding water.
Additionally, it has been documented that the student who has no swimming abilities encountered difficulties and ingested a significant quantity of salt water.
The individual was expeditiously sent to the medical facility located in the capital city of Kingstown. Regrettably, upon arriving at the hospital, the individual’s demise was officially declared.
According to reports, the incident purportedly transpired at approximately 4 p.m.
Based on the available information, it has been determined that Michael is enrolled at All Saints University School of Medicine in Dominica. He is in the final stage of his medical education, with only one rotation remaining before obtaining his medical doctorate. Additionally, Michael was a visiting student at the American University of St. Vincent School of Medicine.