“When The Water Dried Up” is the latest publication by Cultural Activist, novelist and playwright Cecil “Blazer” Williams.
The novel depicts the struggles and resilience of Vincentian people in the face of the eruptions of La Soufriere. Speaking at the launch was the Minister of Culture Carlos James, who commended the work, saying that it represented true Vincentian cultural life through a contemporary focus.
Also giving remarks was the President of the Vincentian Association of Artists, Writers and Producers, Hon. Rene Baptiste. Baptiste, who, in congratulating Williams on the novel, said the language of the book spoke true to Vincentian creolized expressions. Baptiste said, “it is wonderful to read this writing, to me, it brings out this spirit I call vincy pride”.
Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Rochelle Forde, in reviewing the novel, said it was an excellent piece of literary work and “allows those of us who delight in edifying ourselves in well crafted, written Vincentian work, to exhale with much jubilation”.
This is Cecil “Balzer” William’s fourth novel. He has written numerous other publications, including books of poetry and plays. The launch took place at Frenches House on Friday, July 8, 2022.