Vincentians are alarmed at the spate of violent crimes in recent times, most of which are gun related.
On Tuesday 11th April 2023, Jomo ‘Top Dog’ Brudy died after being shot in Pole Yard on the previous day. Brudy’s death brought the homicide count in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to 11 for the year.
On Friday night 14th April 2023, Queen’s Drive business man, Micheal Richards died in a hail of bullets raising the homicide count to 12.
Crime is out of hand in SVG. In 2022, the record-breaking count of forty two (42) homicides left the government unfazed, unapologetic and lost as to an adequate response. Clearly we are careening in the wrong direction.
In all of this Vincentians await some solace of even the perception that the Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, and the Commissioner of Police, Colin John, are even aware of the extent to the problem confronting the Vincentian people. When will we hear of a plan to fight crime from those in authority?
The refusal by the ULP Administration to acknowledge the depth of this crisis shows that they are overcome by it and lack solutions. Once again the Minister of National Security has failed in his promise to be, “tough on crime and the causes of crime”.
The New Democratic Party (NDP) extends sincere condolences to the families directly affected by violent crimes in SVG. We understand your pain.
Crime in SVG is a crisis that affects everyone and will require a national collaboration to address it. The NDP is again renewing our call for the ULP administration to work with us and other social partners in the development and implementation of strategies to address the crime epidemic.
President of the NDP and Leader of the Opposition, the Honorable Dr Godwin Friday, has made it clear that he is ready to work in the nation’s best interest.
Anyone with information that might assist the police investigations should contact the police immediately.