Prophet Jason Providence, who St Vincent police charged with indecent assault on Wednesday night, told church members via a Facebook live on Thursday that he is okay.
Providence said via the social platform that most persons have heard the stories and allegations, and that is what they are, allegations.
“Very soon, the truth would emerge, and it would set free. There is information that my lawyer and I are aware of which we are working on, so I cannot discuss it”.
“We are confident in a great victory”, Providence said.
“God is awesome; as soon as we were preparing to launch some big lawsuits on several persons, and they coming, you know, look for them, he comes in after the man of God”.
“When some people heard the news, they began to rejoice, but they will never live to see me sad before them”.
Providence stated that he was appropriately treated by the officers who dealt with his case. “I was treated with great respect”.
“While I was in the cell, many officers who had come to Life By Faith Ministries for prayer told me just be strong; they encouraged me”.
“While I was in the cell on Wednesday night, the devil said to me; God has abandoned you; that’s what he said to me, I could have seen the devil’s face, and he said to me, God has abandoned you. I looked at him and said God promises never to leave”. Providence said.
“I know many of you are hurting on my behalf; I want to tell you to be strong. Yes, I was charged with indecent sexual assault, which is false; I can tell you that it’s an allegation, and I know that God will defend me”, Providence said.
Providence stated he is sad that the court matter is far off, and he had hoped for an earlier date to be rid of the allegation. The matter will be heard on October 3. Providence was released on $5000 dollars bail.
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