The Atlantic High Pressure System has slightly weakened across our islands and on its south-western edge, weak unstable conditions are likely to bring partly cloudy-cloudy skies and a few scattered showers across St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Varying concentrations of Saharan dust could create a film/slight-haze across our area at times.
Moderate-fresh (20 – 35km/h) breeze continues across our islands, with occasional gusts (~40km/h). Wind directions could vary from northeast to easterly in some locations.
Swell heights are falling, with slight to moderate conditions across SVG. However, occasional wind gusts could temporarily agitate sea conditions (1.2m – 2.5m)…Small-craft operators and sea-bathers should continue to exercise caution.
Swell heights are expected to near 1.0m west of our islands and 2.0m east of our islands, by Friday.